Berbicara mengenai IT Forensik, di Indonesia sendiri juga sudah ada
lho IT Forensik tetapi belum jelas keberadaannya(Hanya orang tertentu
saja dan saat ini hanya ada di pihak kepolisian yang menangani masalah
cyber crime), tapi sebenarnya adakah dari Kamu yang tahu apa itu IT
Forensik? Yap benar^^ IT Forensik itu seperti seorang pengusut kejahatan
yang bertindak mencari barang bukti dilihat dari segi Teknologi yang
Mengapa perlu adanya IT Forensik?
Karena modern ini kejahatan atau tindak merugikan atas dasar ketidak
sengajaan tidak hanya terjadi didalam dunia nyata saja, melainkan telah
merambah kedalam dunia digital, hal ini dikarenakan perkembangan zaman
yang semakin cepat telah membuat masyarakat konvesional beralih menjadi
masyarakat digital, dan tentu saja dimasa transisi tersebut menimbulkan
berbagai macam lubang kejahatan baru disamping adanya peluang usaha dan
kegiatan baru.
Kejahatan atau kejadian dalam dunia nyata sangatlah berbeda dengan
dunia digital, karena jikalau di dunia nyata suatu kejadian yang telah
terjadi hanya dapat di reka ulang maka lain halnya didalam dunia
digital, bahwa setiap kejadian yang telah terjadi dapat dimunculkan
kembali(buka perekaan) untuk dijadikan sebagai bukti otentik dalam
menyelsaikan suati kasus, dan tentu saja hal ini jauh berbeda dengan apa
yang harus dilakukan polisi dengan seorang IT Forensik.
Bagaimana seharusnya perkerja IT Forensik dimata pemerintah?
Pekerja IT Forensik dimata pemerintah seharusnya sudah mempunyai
badan hukum dan regulasi tersendiri yang tersahkan kedalam Undang-udang
dasar Negara, sehingga seorang IT Forensik memiliki keberadaan yang
dijalas baik dimasyarakat maupun pemerintah, maka beranjak dari hal
tersebut kegiatan yang dilakukan seorang IT Forensik memiliki hak dan
privasi yang terlindungi oleh Undang-undang dasar Negara, sehingga tidak
terjadi lagi kasus-kasus penyalahan seorang IT Forensik atas kegiatan
yang dilakukan untuk tergugat/target dengan dalih hak privasi yang
justru memberatkan dirinya.
Terdapat empat elemen Kunci Forensik yang harus diperhatikan berkenaan
dengan bukti digital dalam Teknologi Informasi, adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Identifikasi dalam bukti digital (Identification/Collecting Digital Evidence)
Merupakan tahapan paling awal dalam teknologi informasi. Pada tahapan
ini dilakukan identifikasi dimana bukti itu berada, dimana bukti itu
disimpan, dan bagaimana penyimpanannya untuk mempermudah penyelidikan.
2. Penyimpanan bukti digital (Preserving Digital Evidence)
Bentuk, isi, makna bukti digital hendaknya disimpan dalam tempat yang
steril. Untuk benar-benar memastikan tidak ada perubahan-perubahan, hal
ini vital untuk diperhatikan. Karena sedikit perubahan saja dalam bukti
digital, akan merubah juga hasil penyelidikan. Bukti digital secara
alami bersifat sementara (volatile), sehingga keberadaannya jika tidak
teliti akan sangat mudah sekali rusak, hilang, berubah, mengalami
3. Analisa bukti digital (Analizing Digital Evidence)
Barang bukti setelah disimpan, perlu diproses ulang sebelum diserahkan
pada pihak yang membutuhkan. Pada proses inilah skema yang diperlukan
akan fleksibel sesuai dengan kasus-kasus yang dihadapi. Barang bukti
yang telah didapatkan perlu diexplore kembali beberapa poin yang
berhubungan dengan tindak pengusutan, antara lain: (a) Siapa yang telah
melakukan. (b) Apa yang telah dilakukan (Ex. Penggunaan software apa),
(c) Hasil proses apa yang dihasilkan. (d) Waktu melakukan. Setiap bukti
yang ditemukan, hendaknya kemudian dilist bukti-bukti potensial apa
sajakah yang dapat didokumentasikan.
4. Presentasi bukti digital (Presentation of Digital Evidence).
Kesimpulan akan didapatkan ketika semua tahapan tadi telah dilalui,
terlepas dari ukuran obyektifitas yang didapatkan, atau standar
kebenaran yang diperoleh, minimal bahan-bahan inilah nanti yang akan
dijadikan “modal” untuk ke pengadilan. Proses digital dimana bukti
digital akan dipersidangkan, diuji otentifikasi dan dikorelasikan dengan
kasus yang ada. Pada tahapan ini menjadi penting, karena disinilah
proses-proses yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya akan diurai kebenarannya
serta dibuktikan kepada hakim untuk mengungkap data dan informasi
Tools IT Forensik
Safe Back. Dipasarkan sejak tahun 1990 untuk penegakan Hukum dan
Kepolisian. Digunakan oleh FBI dan Divisi Investigasi Kriminal IRS.
Berguna untuk pemakaian partisi tunggal secara virtual dalam segala
ukuran. File Image dapat ditransformasikan dalam format SCSI atau media
storage magnetik lainnya.
EnCase. Seperti SafeBack yang merupakan program berbasis karakter,
EnCase adalah program dengan fitur yang relatif mirip, denganInterface
GUI yang mudah dipakai oleh tekhnisi secara umum. Dapat dipakai dengan
Multiple Platform seperti Windows NT atau Palm OS. Memiliki fasilitas
dengan Preview Bukti, Pengkopian target,Searching
dan Analyzing.
Pro Discover. Aplikasi berbasis Windows yang didesain oleh tim
Technology Pathways forensics. Memiliki kemampuan untuk merecover file
yang telah terhapus dari space storage yang longgar, mengalanalisis
Windows 2000/NT data stream untuk data yang
terhidden,menganalisis data image yang diformat oleh kemampuandd UNIX dan menghasilkan laporan kerja
Coba copy satu file microsoft word anda dari satu folder ke folder yang
lain. Kemudian klik kanan dan bandingkan ‘properties’ di masing-masing
Kalau kita sekedar ‘copy’ dan ‘paste’, di masing-masing file itu akan
terdapat perbedaan dalam informasi file ‘created’, ‘modified’, dan
‘accessed’ (lihat bagian yang ditandai kotak warna merah). Itu berarti
file tidak dianggap ‘otentik’ lagi karena sudah ada perubahan/perbedaan
dari kondisi awal.
Di situlah letak keistimewaan IT forensik, dengan hardware atau software
khusus, data yang diambil untuk dianalisa akan benar-benar otentik atau
persis sama sesuai dengan aslinya. Lebih istimewa lagi, software IT
forensik juga dapat memeriksa data atau file bahkan yang sudah terhapus
sekalipun (biasanya pelaku korupsi atau fraud berupaya menghilangkan
jejak kejahatannya dengan menghapus file-file tertentu).
Beberapa vendor yang menyediakan teknologi IT forensik misalnya Paraben, Guidance (EnCase), GetData (Mount Image), dll.
Kamis, 26 September 2013
4IA07_55410557_Rahmad Fadli_1
Sejarah,Visi & Misi, Tujuan
Packet Systems is a regional IT service company and a leader in the convergence of broadband network infrastructure. Operating in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore, Packet Systems commenced operation in 2004 and became a wholly owned subsidiary of DMX Technologies Group when it was acquired in 2005. Packet Systems is a regional IT service company and a leader in the convergence of broadband network infrastructure.
Sejarah,Visi & Misi, Tujuan
Packet Systems is a regional IT service company and a leader in the convergence of broadband network infrastructure. Operating in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore, Packet Systems commenced operation in 2004 and became a wholly owned subsidiary of DMX Technologies Group when it was acquired in 2005. Packet Systems is a regional IT service company and a leader in the convergence of broadband network infrastructure.
Operating in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore,
Packet Systems commenced operation in 2004 and became a wholly owned
subsidiary of DMX Technologies Group when it was acquired in 2005.
Packet Systems offers a spectrum of advanced services including assessment, technical advisory, planning & design, systems engineering & integration, project management and maintenance in the area of Next Generation Network, Security, & Operation Support Systems. Packet Systems has partnerships with some of the most advanced technology companies in the world, such as Cisco Systems where we are certified as a Gold Partner.
Packet Systems is proud of its excellence with proven projects encompassing large and advanced IP/MPLS networks. In 2008, Packet Systems Indonesia became one of Cisco Indonesia’s top three SI Partners.
Inti Bisnis
Packet Systems offer a spectrum of advanced solutions & services including assessment, technical advice, planning & design, systems engineering & integration, project management and maintenance in the areas of Next Generation Network, Security and Operation Support Systems.
Packet Systems offers a spectrum of advanced services including assessment, technical advisory, planning & design, systems engineering & integration, project management and maintenance in the area of Next Generation Network, Security, & Operation Support Systems. Packet Systems has partnerships with some of the most advanced technology companies in the world, such as Cisco Systems where we are certified as a Gold Partner.
Packet Systems is proud of its excellence with proven projects encompassing large and advanced IP/MPLS networks. In 2008, Packet Systems Indonesia became one of Cisco Indonesia’s top three SI Partners.
Inti Bisnis
Packet Systems offer a spectrum of advanced solutions & services including assessment, technical advice, planning & design, systems engineering & integration, project management and maintenance in the areas of Next Generation Network, Security and Operation Support Systems.
Converged Network Infrastructure
Packet Systems assists Service Providers and New Enterprise Networks in profiting from IP and Next Generation Networks in the technology areas of Broadband Access Aggregation, Metropolitan Area Network, IP/MPLS core, Multi Service Optical Platform, IPRAN, VoIP, Wireless, Connected Real Estate/Hospitality, Unified Communications and end-to-end IPTV. Our key solution partners include: Cisco Systems, Harmonic, Secure Media, Bitband and Dasan Networks.Security
As potential buyers, advertisers get access to a service-neutral platform that saves on production costs whilst targeting a wider and more relevant audience. The service is particularly beneficial to larger operators that offer a mix of Mobile, Cable and IPTV services, as well as interactive, time-shifted services; because these will supplement the behavioural learning, translating to increases in the value of their ad campaigns.Business and Operation Support Systems
Packet Systems can assist Service Providers and Enterprises in implementing B/OSS in the areas of Service Assurance (Fault Management, Performance Management, Service-Level Management, Traffic Management, Dynamic Resource and Admission Control Systems/D-RACS), Fulfilment (Inventory Management, Configuration Management, Provisioning, Service Activation) and Billing (AAA, Unified Communications Rating/Billing). Our key solution partners include: Metasolv/Oracle, CA, Brix Networks, WANDL, NetScout and Equator One.
Struktur Organisasi
Regional Director, DMX Technologies Group;
Mr Lee Mun Young joined us in July 2005 and is the
Regional Director of DMX Technologies Group. He is responsible for the
management of Packet Systems – one of the subsidiaries of DMX
Technologies Group – as Chairman. After his military services as an
Officer, Mr Lee joined the Daewoo Corporation in July 1987. Between
April 1991 and December 1998, he served the Dacom Corporation in
various capacities including International Business, Vice President of
KOKOTEL (a joint venture with a local telephone service provider in
Russia) and business planning. He subsequently joined Datacraft in 1999
as CEO of Datacraft Korea and Regional Director of Datacraft Asia. In
March 2003, Mr Lee founded VNO Solutions and served as Chairman of the
company. Mr Lee then founded Packet Systems and served as Chairman of
the company prior to joining DMX. Mr Lee holds a Degree of Electrical
Engineering from Sungkyunkwa University and a Masters Degree from the
Graduate School of Foreign Trade and Policy, Sungkyunkwan University.
Ms Leong joined Packet Systems Group in 2004 as CFO and was promoted to COO in April 2010. Between 1992 and 2003 she was the Finance and Admin Manager of Datacraft Malaysia and was promoted to the position of Regional Finance Manager in 1997, covering Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Preceding that, she worked in an accounting and auditing firm in London, United Kingdom from 1989 to 1991 and in an auditing firm in Malaysia from 1982-1989. Ms Leong is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and is a member of The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA), the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and a fellow member of CPA Australia.
Packet Systems’ high value added services cover design & consultancy, project management & delivery and project maintenance. All delivered by our very own team of talented individuals who hold industry certifications (CCIE, CCNP, CCIP, CCSP, Checkpoint CCSA/CCSE, Nokia NCSP, CompTIA Project+ etc) and proven track records on handling Service Provider and Enterprise customers.
onTRACK Project Management: our methodology to ensure projects are done on time, scope and budget.
onTIME Support Maintenance: covers installation and post-installation services, providing peace of mind to our customers’ operations.
onTARGET Professional Services: consulting services in the areas of IP Routing/Switching, Security and OSS to assist customers on assessing, improving and exploiting their network infrastructure.
Packet Systems is also partnering with world-class ICT Service Providers to strengthen service offerings in the fields of complex OSS Integration and Enterprise Security Management.
Lee Mun Young
Regional Director, DMX Technologies Group;
Chairman, Packet Systems Group
Mr Lee Mun Young joined us in July 2005 and is the
Regional Director of DMX Technologies Group. He is responsible for the
management of Packet Systems – one of the subsidiaries of DMX
Technologies Group – as Chairman. After his military services as an
Officer, Mr Lee joined the Daewoo Corporation in July 1987. Between
April 1991 and December 1998, he served the Dacom Corporation in
various capacities including International Business, Vice President of
KOKOTEL (a joint venture with a local telephone service provider in
Russia) and business planning. He subsequently joined Datacraft in 1999
as CEO of Datacraft Korea and Regional Director of Datacraft Asia. In
March 2003, Mr Lee founded VNO Solutions and served as Chairman of the
company. Mr Lee then founded Packet Systems and served as Chairman of
the company prior to joining DMX. Mr Lee holds a Degree of Electrical
Engineering from Sungkyunkwa University and a Masters Degree from the
Graduate School of Foreign Trade and Policy, Sungkyunkwan University.Susan Leong
COO/CFO, Packet Systems Group
Ms Susan Leong is the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Packet Systems Group. As both COO and CFO, she is responsible for the operation and the overall statutory control of accounting, finance, administration, logistics, secretarial and taxation matters of Packet Systems Group's subsidiaries in Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia.Ms Leong joined Packet Systems Group in 2004 as CFO and was promoted to COO in April 2010. Between 1992 and 2003 she was the Finance and Admin Manager of Datacraft Malaysia and was promoted to the position of Regional Finance Manager in 1997, covering Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Preceding that, she worked in an accounting and auditing firm in London, United Kingdom from 1989 to 1991 and in an auditing firm in Malaysia from 1982-1989. Ms Leong is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and is a member of The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA), the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and a fellow member of CPA Australia.
Handy Surya Wirawan
President Director (Indonesia)
Mr Handy Surya Wirawan has stood as President Director of PT Packet Systems Indonesia since its incorporation in 2004. Handy Surya Wirawan is responsible for leading and growing Packet Systems’ business in Indonesia, and has almost two decades’ experience in the Information and Communications Industry. Prior to his appointment with Packet Systems Indonesia, he was assigned to PT Metrodata Electronics in 1996 — as a member of PT Datacraft Indonesia's management team — to establish and develop the business into a respected data communications company in Indonesia. Mr Wirawan holds a Degree in Mathematics from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia.Baek Boo-Seon
Managing Director (Korea)
Mr Boo-Seon Baek joined DMX Technologies Korea in June 2009 as Managing Director. He is responsible for all aspects of the company’s business in the assigned territory. Mr Baek began his career at SICC (SsangYong Information & Communications Corp) in 1984 as a Development Engineer on the Seoul Olympics Organizing Committee. He served SSIC for more than 20 years as Sales Executive for Telco, ISP, Enterprises and Government. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Engineering from Dongguk University in Korea.Choong Wai Hoong
Managing Director (Malaysia)
Mr Choong Wai Hoong is the Managing Director of Packet Systems Malaysia and is responsible for all aspects of business in Malaysia. Mr Choong founded DDI Malaysia in 2002 and joined the Group when Packet Systems acquired DDI Malaysia in 2004. Before joining DDI Malaysia, Mr Choong worked in Datacraft Malaysia as Sales Manager and subsequently as Head of Enterprise Division. Mr Choong holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the Southeast Missouri State University, USA.
Target Pasar
Packet Systems’ high value added services cover design & consultancy, project management & delivery and project maintenance. All delivered by our very own team of talented individuals who hold industry certifications (CCIE, CCNP, CCIP, CCSP, Checkpoint CCSA/CCSE, Nokia NCSP, CompTIA Project+ etc) and proven track records on handling Service Provider and Enterprise customers.
onTIME Support Maintenance: covers installation and post-installation services, providing peace of mind to our customers’ operations.
onTARGET Professional Services: consulting services in the areas of IP Routing/Switching, Security and OSS to assist customers on assessing, improving and exploiting their network infrastructure.
Packet Systems is also partnering with world-class ICT Service Providers to strengthen service offerings in the fields of complex OSS Integration and Enterprise Security Management.
Perkembangan Perusahaan
Packet Systems (Indonesia)
Top Value Added Gold Partner Indonesia 2012, 2011, 2010 Best Achievement Partner 2007, 2006 |
Best Achievement Partner 2005 Elite Partner 2012, 2011, 2010 Parnter of the Year 2013 | |
Gold Partner 2012 | |
Partner of the Year 2009 One Million Dollar Club Award 2012 |
Telkom Infratel Vendor Award 2008 Gold Vendor for Excellent Achievements in Big Class Vendor Category |
Strategic Win Partner for Sinarmas Land Project 2012 The Best Growth for Partner Led Business 2011 (Indonesia) The Best System Engineer System Data Center/Virtualization Architecture 2011 (Indonesia) Cisco Channel Customer Satisfaction Excellence 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 Cisco Gold Certified Partner 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 Best Systems Engineer 2007, 2005 Best Account Manager 2008, 2005 Best Premier Partner 2005 |
Best In Class Award 2012 Top 3 Partner in Asean 2013 |
Indonesia "Best Reseller 2012" in Enterprise Storage Category | |
Asia Pacific Focus Partner Award 2012 | |
Asia Pacific Top Growth Partner of the Year 2012 |
Packet Systems (Malaysia)
Aruba Elite Partner 2006 | |
Outstanding Leadership in Growth 2007 Cisco Gold Certified Partner 2009 Cisco Authorized Technology Partner (ATP) - Data Center Unified Computing Satellite Program (Application in progress) |
Silver Channel Partner 2010 | |
VMware Professional Channel Partner 2010 | |
Product Excellence Partner of the Year – EX ASEAN 2009 Enterprise Solution Provider Elite Partner 2010, 2009 Technology Excellence Partner of the Year 2010 |
DMX Technologies (Korea)
Cisco Gold Certified Partner 2012, 2011, 2010 Cisco Cloud Builder 2012 Cisco Multinational Certified Partner 2012 |
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